Who knew you could find paradise at the corner of Cameron Street and Georgia Ave in Silver Spring, MD? Well, you can, if by paradise you mean 6,000 square feet of space to browse through records. It’s called Joe’s Record Paradise, and if you’re looking for that replacement copy of Led Zeppelin II you loaned to your college roommate ten years ago, you’ve come to the right place. It’s there. In paradise. In this instance, this particular oasis in the heart of Maryland has been in operation since 1974. It may have changed locations over the years, but at its core, nothing has changed. It’s all about connecting music lovers with music. Not by streaming or scrolling away on smartphones, but the actual physical medium itself.

“I’ve been looking for this for YEARS,” is an often-heard exclamation heard at Joe’s Record Paradise, and one that owner Johnson Lee never tires of hearing it.

Since the store’s inception, it has seen vinyl sales climb, dip, dive, crash, and climb again. In the past couple of years, it has been on a rise not seen in decades. And why is that? Lee has his ideas. 

“Young people now have information tools [the internet] allowing them to see in action, and to discuss remedies to, the music industry’s payola induced freeze against anyone with talent,” he says.

If you think payola is a thing of the past that died out with DJ Alan Freed in the 1950s, think again. In 2005, one large record company was forced to pay upwards of $10 million in fines. All because of payola. 

With well-publicized outcries against streaming services and artist compensation, young people have taken notice. Artists have the potential to earn more with the sales of physical media. 

Throughout all this, Lee has some advice. “Take it easy and have fun.”

And that’s what it’s all about when it comes to the joy of finding that record you’ve always wanted – enjoyment and fun.

At Joe’s Record Paradise, you’ll find something to suit all musical tastes. I might lean toward classic rock and 1970s punk, while some friends of mine will walk over to flip through the latest country albums. My son’s girlfriend is all about Harry Styles. It’s a wonderful time to be into records, and all tastes have a place. “Respect what music might mean to people not yourself,” Lee offers. 

It’s a beautiful mantra to live by.

Joe's Record Paradise

Joe’s Record Paradise

8700 Georgia Ave, Silver Spring, MD 20910

Phone: 301-585-3269


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