It’s time to pick up my order.

I hop in my car and head down Stafford Dr. in Princeton, W. Virginia. I pass Advanced Auto Parts and Little Caesars. There’s the yellow arch of Angelo’s Pizza. I could go for a BBQ chicken pizza right now. But, since it’s just past 10:00am, lunch will have to wait. The place I’m going to just opened, and Wyatt said my order would be ready first thing this morning. 

There it is. The blue lettering set against the black disc says everything you need to know.

Cheap Thrills Records. It’s hard to believe they’ve been in that little white building since 2003. They used to be across the street. 

I pull up to the drive-through window. Five minutes later, I’m pulling away. I’m already eager to get home to listen to my new addition – an OG, near-mint copy of Tommy Bolin’s Teaser. It’s a good day.

Did you catch the part about the drive-through window? That wasn’t poetic license on my part. Cheap Thrills Records actually has one. At least their location in Princeton does. They have two. The other one is in Beckley. 

In troubling times, a drive-through can make or break a business. “In the spring of last year during the beginning of the pandemic, our governor ordered all non-essential businesses to close for in-store shopping,” store owner Wyatt Lilly says. “We fell into that category, but we were able to remain open for customers to use our drive-through window. That lasted about 6 weeks, so our drive-through window really saved us!”

Convenience aside, it’s much better to walk into the store where you’ll find treasures galore, from vinyl records, CDs, cassettes, and t-shirts. And, if you’re a little short on money while eyeing that brand new copy of Nirvana’s Unplugged, you can always sell that gold key chain in your glove compartment to make up the difference. 

“Toward the end of the financial crisis in 2010 we began a cash for gold service. Not many record stores would do that, but we recognize we have to be versatile to meet our customers’ needs,” Wyatt explains.

To say Cheap Thrills Records is unique is an understatement. While flipping through the stacks, you can enjoy fresh coffee or replenish your supply of CBD. 

Did I say unique?

Looking to upgrade your turntable? Wyatt has you covered there as well. “Don’t buy a cheap record player as an impulse buy from Walmart, Kohls, Sams, or any place that does not focus on music and does not cater to music fans. You will spend $60 or so, and not only will the player sound terrible, it may very well damage your records,” Wyatt says, rolling up his sleeves. “Vinyl sounds great, but you need to invest a reasonable amount to achieve that sound.”

He hit the nail on the head. It’s “that sound” that keeps people coming back, both young and old. There’s something about vinyl that streaming music on your phone or over a Bluetooth connection just doesn’t capture.

“Having something tangible that you can hold and look at and be proud of and share with friends is just a nice experience,” he says. “It feels a lot more personal to listen to an artist on vinyl rather than streaming the same music.”

Again – nailed it. I recently purchased a copy of Joni Mitchell’s Court and Spark on my sister’s recommendation. Sure, I could have listened to it on Amazon music through Alexa while I washed the dishes. Instead, I went to my local record shop, picked up a used copy for $20, brought it home, cleaned it (I cleaned all newly purchased records – old and new), and settled into my favorite chair with the gatefold cover in my lap opened to the lyrics. That’s the experience and the joy of vinyl.

It’s stores like Cheap Thrills Records that we need more of. Founded by entrepreneurs willing to take the chance. It’s not easy. There will be tough times (drive-through windows help!), but the rewards are worth it. And they are not only monetary. As Wyatt explains, “You only live once, and you have to make things happen for yourself; no one is going to do it for you. The country needs more small business entrepreneurs. If you look at most of the small businesses in rural towns, they are started by immigrants, whether it is a Mexican or Asian restaurant, a nail spa, hotel, or a convenience store, it is immigrants that start those and work hard to make them successful.”

He adds with a wink, “Start your own business and add your own personal flavor to your community! If it doesn’t work out, you can always get a job!”

Maybe one at Cheap Thrills Records!

Cheap Thrills Records

Cheap Thrills Records 1130 Stafford Drive Princeton, WV 24740 Phone: (304) 487-0404 507 State St Bristol, VA 24201 Phone: (276) 285-2553


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