Just a few blocks away from the Mississippi River and minutes from Lake Pontchartrain sits a little record store on Magazine Street that’s making a splash of its own. The thing is, NOLA Mix Records isn’t only a record store – it’s also an indie label that will connect you with a DJ to host your next party, event, or wedding.

Founded in 2015 by owner Ben Epstein, NOLA Mix has made it its mission to connect people in the New Orleans community with music. “We also provide free DJ lessons to youth,” Epstein says. 

In 2011 NOLA Mix began its musical journey as a DJ & Musical production outfit. That past is clear when you walk into the store. Venture through its red door, and you’ll find a deceptively large space filled with records, turntables, and gear for the aspiring musician or vinyl collector. It’s a heady mix of jazz, reggae, blues, funk & soul. All the things that would make browsing its bins and shelves an adventure. If you find yourself overwhelmed by the selection, NOLA Mix will be happy to hook you up with a curated box set of your favorite genre. You can also walk out of the store with a new setup to play your new collection on.

One of the many reasons to buy a vinyl record is the experience. Be it the cover art or the fact you can hold it in your hand, there’s magic there even before you place it on your turntable. You’ll hear the same sentiment echoed by Epstein. “It’s a tangible experience that connects you to the music and the artists involved,” he says. “It helps you connect to the artist and allows you to feel a sense of ownership to the music. I think it also sounds fuller and is a warmer experience when listening to the music.”

He should know. He has brought to his little corner of New Orleans a warm and safe experience to be enjoyed, shared, and revisited.

NOLA Mix Records

1522 Magazine St. New Orleans, LA 70130

Phone: (504) 345-2138


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