LOUIS (holding a record): Now why would you sell it to me and not to him?

BARRY: Because you’re not a geek, Louis.

LOUIS: You guys are snobs.

BARRY: No we’re not.

LOUIS: Seriously. You’re totally elitist.

That scene is from the 2000 film High Fidelity (I can’t believe it’s been 20 years1), and while Championship Vinyl may be fictitious, its attitude isn’t. You will run into it. But NEVER will you see that attitude displayed at The Groove in Nashville. 

“We have created an inclusive store, where everyone can feel welcome.” Co-Owner, Michael Combs says. “Record stores can have a reputation for being elitist, and if you don’t listen to the music the gatekeepers listen to, you don’t feel welcome. We fight to combat that reputation.”

Nestled in a small neighborhood in East Nashville, The Groove’s 100-year-old “home” is in itself inviting. It also boasts one of the coolest stone walls on the planet, with album covers painted at sidewalk level (see if you can name them all). 

Michael Combs and Jess Cartwright took ownership of The Groove in 2017, which has been in operation for 14 years. Longtime customers were happy to hear the pair planned to host more music events and increase the shop’s inventory. 

They were true to their word. 

“We have a beautiful backyard, with a great stage to host shows, movies, retail pop-ups, etc.,” Combs says. “We do a huge Record Store Day party; we host Pride events and Americana Fest events.” As far as the records go, the store boasts a large stock of Halloween and Christmas albums, two of their favorite holidays. On a whim, I clicked on their website’s “Weekly Steal” button and was greeted with Strange Tales of Horror, the debut record from the band The Phantoms of Saturn. The cover itself pays homage to the old pulp horror magazines of the past.

All in all, it’s all about the vinyl and providing a safe haven for customers from all walks of life. The Groove is LGBTQ+ owned and is focused on an inclusive atmosphere. “It was important that everyone be greeted, said goodbye to, and felt welcome in the shop,” Combs adds. “You will never feel badly for your musical tastes in our shop.”

If High Fidelity were filmed today at the Groove, they would play the opposite scenario out than the one in Championship Vinyl. The updated scene would involve one of their first regulars whose “Holy Grail” record was an original Patto LP from Vertigo circa 1970. The customer had searched the country for the record, popping in and out of record stores in whatever city he was in. Shortly after taking over The Groove, Combs and Cartwright had purchased a substantial collection in 2018. Being busy with their new store, the collection remained in the back office.

“One day, we finally started to go through and clean and price it. In that buy was an original copy of that Patto record,” Comb explains. “He was beyond excited that he would finally own his holy grail record. And he said it was even better because he was getting it from his favorite record store.”

Take that Barry from Championship Vinyl!

“Don’t let anyone make you feel bad for liking the music and artists you enjoy,” Combs wants everyone to know. “Music is so personal, and it doesn’t matter if it is on “trend” or isn’t what everyone else is listening to. Music is for everyone.”

If you happen to be in Nashville around Halloween, be sure to stop by The Groove. “Each year we do Fright Night Fridays-we screen a free horror movie in the backyard, every Friday night in October. We also put on a Halloween party every year, Spooky Ghoul Fest.”

And best of all – it’s free!

The Groove

1103 Calvin Ave Nashville 37206

Phone: 615-227-5760


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